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Curating the Comfort Zone

“Growth happens outside your comfort zone.” An adage so void of surprise there that the only way to meet it is with an, “ugh, I knowwwww, I know.”

As an entrepreneur, I spend a *lot* of time outside my comfort zone; this life I’ve chosen demands the ever-expansion of self, choosing the Stretch over and over to increase my own personal capacity to support this Thing as it grows and grows.

That said, I’m a BIG believer in The Comfort Zone.

Because, you see, there’s no “finish line” to expansion, to growth, to stretching beyond what’s comfy. There will always be a fresh set of limits to either honor or push against, and we simply can’t stay in a constant state of the latter if we don’t want to burn out or fall out of love with our current pursuits.

The trick here is to take a really good, hard look at our Comfort Zones, because I vividly remember the day I realized that there were some deeply undesirable things hanging out in mine. Strife, struggle, making things harder than they needed to be, not asking for help, swallowing words at the base of my throat instead of speaking truths aloud, allowing my own experiences to be minimized... a cacophony of circumstances that damn well felt like shit, were my idea of comfy cozy.

I felt most comfortable in discomfort.

This showed up in the way I was running my business over and over again, leaving me experiencing way more pain on a daily basis than I ever have since I started choosing otherwise. I took it upon myself to Curate My Comfort Zone, so that it was actually a warm bed for me to fall into each night, safe, cozy, and NURTURING. A place that would give me the energy to recharge, remember myself (can be easy to lose track of Who We Are when in states of growth).

Curating the comfort zone should be emphasized just as avidly as leaving it.

What’s in your comfort zone? Is there anything in there you can release, too?.

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