you caught us on our midwinter break! we return the week of 3/24

magical marshmallows in the news!

marshmallow news Handcrafted marshmallow s'more getting squished

"Alexx Shuman sells marshmallows and surprise"

Seven Days Feature

marshmallow news handcrafted marshmallows toasted on top coffee

"Popular Local Confectioner Announces a Rebrand"

WCAX Segment

marshmallow news handcrafted vermont marshmallows toasting over a campfire

"Best Things to Eat at the Big E 2023"

MassLive Write-Up

marshmallow news founder of the vermont marshmallow company alexx shuman

"TikTok Puts The Vermont Marshmallow Co. in the Spotlight"

MassLive Interview

marshmallow news handcrafted marshmallows toasted on top of a pie

"Made in Vermont: Vermont Marshmallows"

WCAX Segment

marshmallow news Handcrafted marshmallow black and white hands holding cocoa cup

"Must-Visit Vendors at the Burlington Farmers Market"

Spoon University

marshmallow news Handcrafted toasty vanilla marshmallows on white background

"More Artisinal Goodness from Vermont"


marshmallow news Girl holding cup of handcrafted marshmallows and cocoa

"Pillowy Perfection - Alexx Shuman of Nomadic Kitchen brings a confectionary classic to new levels"

Best of Burlington Magazine

marshmallow news Handcrafted marshmallow toasting over a fire

"Delicious Business Highlighted Nationally on ABC News"

WJBQ Profile

marshmallow news Marshmallow Girl in blue dress with handcrafted marshmallows

"How Alexx is building a quarter-million dollar marshmallow business."

The Aligned Female Entrepreneur Podcast

marshmallow news marshmallow girl with her dog in front of fireplace

"Meet Marshmallow Girl Alexx Shuman"

Spoon University Profile