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Making Entrepreneurship Fun

There's a million things easier than entrepreneurship I can do with my life. So if I’m not making it fun, nourishing & joyful, then what's the point?

My first year in biz was all about working myself to the bone. To see just how far I could take this thing in 365 days, I made everything a yes. At the end of the year, it was clear: I had proof of concept & if I didn't change the way I was running things, the concept would die.

It was easy to fall into that way of being--hek, I've had a knack for violating my own boundaries for the sake of things outside myself.

But in that 1st year, I chose it. I violated my boundaries on my own terms to find my limits. I equipped myself with awareness of my own edges & a belief that those edges are meant to be honored, exquisitely. (See: How to Learn the Hard Way)

This new belief—that my wellbeing not only matters, but is an integral part of my business's success—brought opportunity. For this venture to nourish instead of deplete, to create more by doing less, to realize this is mine & I get to build it however I choose.

I choose something new.

I stopped telling stories of impossibility. I moved away from "or" and towards "and." I decided opposing ideas could coexist. What if it’s all possible?

I declared this MUST be lucrative AND fun, this MUST grow rapidly AND be easeful, joyful & sustainable. Cue: endless new options for how to move through the world. Endless opportunity for aligned action.

Scheduling rest. Investing money to make workflows easier. Practicing my exquisite, infirmed no: to unaligned opportunities, to good business when I can’t keep the promise without sacrificing my own or my team’s wellbeing, to more $$ for the sake of more $$. Cutting off ordering.

All those moves came with resistance. They also supported me in recognizing & befriending my resistance. I know my *exact* pattern when making a big change. Instead of that paralyzed feeling of "are you here because I'm doing the WRONG THING?!" I can meet resistance with, "aw hi! right on time! Thanks for keeping me safe. Promise I got ya."

That’s freedom. The old way of being is always available. The new one is too. Each morning, I get to choose.

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