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On Hitting 6-Figures

I think often of how, for the longest time, people believed it was impossible to run a 4-minute mile. And then someone did. 46 days later, someone else did. A year later 3 more did. And on, and on, and on.

That's why we share transparently about something usually considered taboo: talking about money.

Our third year of business was our first 6-figure year. Only 6% of woman owned businesses ever hit six-figures. The heck.

Hitting 6-figures for us has meant:

- Raises for my incredible team
- Profit sharing & a 401k plan in the works
- Investments in equipment to make all of our jobs easier
- Donations and repartitions to our community
- Upholding my commitment to building something that allows me to live well, and create opportunities for others to live well, too
- Time for me to mentor other young women creating their own magical ventures, because a rising tide lifts all boats and i want to share EVERYTHING I've learned and make that "6%" a thing of the past.
- More marshmallows in more places
- More sweetness for everyone

The only way this 6% figure starts to shift, the only way this number starts to grow, is if we start talking about it. This final boss level collaboration over competition.

The more examples we have of this being possible--not even just 6 figures, but 6 figures sustainably, humanely, joyfully, kindly--the more the collective mental model shifts.

The mental model that exists behind the business model is where most of the game actually lives. It's not about "out-performing your competitors" anymore. gross, blah, boring.

It's about transforming the universal sense of what's possible.

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